Our team

Need scrap metal removal in south east Queensland?

If you need a scrap metal removal service in south east Queensland, contact the team at Sovereign Metals & Recycling Pty Ltd. Our team has the experience and professional approach needed to reliably and safely remove your scrap metal from your business or home.
Scrap metal removal in action in Queensland

Our experience

Here at Sovereign Metals & Recycling, we have many years' experience working in the industry. Many of our workers have been here for many years and know all the ins and outs of our type of work, from scrap metal removal to recycling and brokerage. With this kind of experience comes a level of expertise that cannot be matched by many.

Our dedication

Our team really are dedicated to scrap metal removal and are passionate about what we do. We are committed to helping our clients out and going that extra step to ensure customer satisfaction. We aren't afraid of a bit of hard work and always display the best work ethics possible.

Our commitment to the environment

When it comes to metal recycling in south east Queensland, Sovereign Metals & Recycling understands that metal needs to be recycled in a way that is safe for the environment. With the realisation of global warming catching up with us, it is our responsibility to act now and ensure all of our practices are safe. You can assure that when you deal with us, you are dealing with a responsible company and a company that is committed to saving the environment.
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